Minimizing Fall Risks Around Your Swimming Pool
Pools are dangerous no matter what you do to try to minimize risks. Yet, homeowners can reduce some of these risks by taking an active role in keeping the area as clean and slip-free as possible. If you are adding a swimming pool, let your home insurance agent know about your investment. Be sure your agent also knows about the steps you are taking to minimize risks of falls. Here’s some help to achieve this goal.
Keep the Area Locked and Secured
When you are not using your swimming pool, ensure there is a way to lock it to keep everyone out of the area. This is more than just putting a simple gate and fence around your pool. Ensure there is a secure lock on the gate to keep children out. Choose fencing that does not allow anyone to climb over it, even a resourceful child.
Always Have Monitors in Place
If someone is planning to go into the pool, ensure there is an adult nearby charged with watching those using the pool. By that, you want someone who is watching others and who can provide direction.
For example, the best way to minimize fall risks is to not allow running around the pool at all. Encourage anyone using or near the pool to walk slowly around the area.
Surround the Pool with Proper Drainage
When installing your pool, be sure it has a natural drainage system. You want to be sure water can easily flow away from the pool and dry. If it pools or a pond builds, it will take longer to dry, creating a longer risk for slips. There’s also a significantly higher risk of property damage.
Choose a material to place around the pool that is likely to drain water and dry quickly. Concrete is often the most-preferred item. Avoid materials that are sharp, though, such as rocks.
Avoid Storing Pool Toys In the Pool
When someone is leaving the pool, collect all of the pool toys, floats, and other items. Store them in a container that is secure and out of sight. This reduces the risk of a child seeing a colorful floating and reaching into the pool to obtain it.
Be sure to talk to your home insurance agent about the options for improving your pool safety. Tension alarms and pool covers are simple ways to help keep people out. Having protective features like this may help keep your home insurance to a minimum.