7225 Eastex FreewayBeaumont, TX 77708

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December 8, 2017

Tire Checkup Before Winter Weather Hits

Winter weather is upon us and with comes wet, snow-covered, and icy roads. When this occurs, many drivers believe they can handle the conditions. However, driving in poor conditions can cause frequent auto insurance claims. One way to avoid accidents is to focus on your tires. The tires on a vehicle provide several key benefits. […]
January 15, 2018

Will Home Insurance Cover Your Boat in Texas?

You love your boat, and it is one of your most valuable possessions. However, another word for valuable is expensive. If something were to happen to the boat, you’d want insurance to protect it. This can help safeguard your own solvency. Many boaters wonder if homeowners insurance will protect their boat. This is a complicated […]
February 6, 2018

The new location is working out great!

Miller Insurance Agency relocated on January 22. Our new office is right across the street from our longtime spot. We were there for 34 awesome years! Moving is always difficult. However, we have so much more room! And the parking is so much easier to get in and out of. The new address is 7225 […]
February 14, 2018

The Effects of Water Damage on Your Vehicle

It’s still winter, but here in Beaumont we are nearing the beginning of spring and summer. This also means the beginning of hurricane season on June 1. Seasonal weather, as well as the more severe hurricanes can bring rain, flooding and wind. We certainly saw the effects of  severe water damage last year when Hurricane […]
March 13, 2018

Advice for Parents with Young Bikers

Having a teen driver in the house might worry any parent. Having a young motorcycle rider, on the other hand, should cause every parent to sit up and take notice.  Young people ride motorcycles all the time. Many of them understand the risks and precautions associated with this special vehicle. However, youth and inexperience will […]
April 9, 2018

Will Homeowners Insurance Cover Foundation Damage?

Over time, you might have noticed cracks developing in your walls, floors or ceilings. The home’s foundation—the ground it sits on—will likely change over time. Such changes can cause shifts in the structure which might lead to problems.  You might take very little notice of these problems. However, you should never ignore that they exist. […]
May 30, 2018

Preventing and Fixing Hail Damage to Your Car

Now that spring and summer are well underway, many areas will likely see an increase in severe storms. Among the threatening weather that might go with these storms are that loud, cold and heavy phenomenon—hail. Hail frequently falls in severe storms, and they can cause  damage. Among the items that stand to suffer hail damage […]
June 5, 2018

Reduce Motorcycle Insurance Rates with Improved Safety

Motorcycle insurance can be very affordable. However, to keep costs down, it pays to know what discount options are available.  You should always have enough insurance to protect your asset. You should also choose a policy with enough liability insurance. Then, work with your agent to discuss ways to save money. How Frequently Do You […]
June 27, 2018

Welcome aboard to Hayley Hebert!

I would like to welcome the newest member of our Miller Insurance Agency team. Hayley Hebert is currently working on her insurance agent licensing and training. Hayley is a graduate of Lamar University. She brings business experience in the manufacturing, banking and retail fields. She also has experience in the insurance world simply because she […]
July 16, 2018

Will Your Home Insurance Cover Your New Smart Home Technology?

Home insurance provides financial protection for your property. It covers the structure of the home. It also covers the contents of your home. In most cases, it will cover the smart home technology within it.  However, every policy has limits. In many cases, this technology can be expensive. You may want to update your coverage […]